Wireless Solutions for Smart Meters, Smart Street Lighting & Smart Cities
About us
At Tinymesh, we're innovating how utilities and cities can progress to the next level with our technology because this fuels our purpose and ignites our passion.
A company with a passion
Tinymesh is an innovative wireless network technology company.
Dynamic: We are international, lean and dynamic. Our specialty is smart metering, street lighting and Industrial IoT. We are a leading RF mesh technology company that goes further. We not only design and manufacture, but we can also offer turn-key services to deploy and operate our high-quality and cost competitive connectivity solutions for smart metering, street lighting and Industrial IoT applications
Successful: Our success is based not only on innovation and technological prowess, but also on our ability to work very closely with clients, partners, vendors and manufacturers worldwide. The company was founded in Norway in 2011 with global ambitions and has been working in the Indian energy metering and smart streetlight market segments since 2012.
Cost-competitive: In India we have a fully scalable, high-quality lean production and have established a portfolio of products and services meeting the specific needs of our Indian clientele. Our Norwegian leading-edge technology, quality and values paired with local support and cost-competitive production in India is a winning proposition for our clients and overall industry.

Strong Core Values
Guide us and set us apart.

We deliver on promises, honor our commitments and conduct business with collaboration, trust and high ethical standards.
We strive for customer satisfaction and quality. We create value for all our partners. Our team is committed and is personally involved in continuous improvement processes.
We strive to quickly learn and adapt to the dynamics of our business environment to continue to create value for our partners and clients.
Lean and Keen
Heading up our international teams are three key people:
Thorstein Tonnesson, Founder
An industrial R&D and mesh network expert, Thorstein founded Tinymesh in 2011, prior to which he conceptualized and developed numerous different connectivity and communication solutions for various industries. Thorstein brings a deep understanding of the technology and a clear methodology of adapting technology to meet the customer needs.

Jasmeet Singh, CEO , Head of Global Sales & Marketing
Jasmeet heads business and operations in India and Europe. He joined hands with Tinymesh in 2012 and enabled the first significant business success for the company in India. He comes from electronics and instrumentation engineering background and MBA from Indian School of Business . He has created success for several businesses in power and technology sectors in India.

Olav Frengstad, CTO
Olav is a passionate software expert, instrumental in developing and setting up the complete Tinymesh Secure Cloud Service, the TinySIX 6LoWPAN platform and the portfolio of our IS16444 compliant software services. Olav has been with the company since its inauguration.

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We have scalable and lean operations in India. Our high-quality manufacturing set up is inline with the “Make in India” initiative to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub.
Leading-edge technology
Excellence and Innovation
Tinymesh won the “Excellence & Innovation” award the same year the company was founded, in 2011. The award was made by Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. It supports companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation. They summed up their decision in the statement "Tinymesh is perfectly timed for a rapidly expanding global market, demanding inexpensive RF communication between technical devices".
Innovator of the Year
Tinymesh was named "Innovator of the Year" in 2014. It is a Norwegian award for significant contribution to innovation in the field of energy and/or IT. The jury reasoned: Tinymesh has developed a wireless communication solution that makes sensors and devices talk together. This is often referred to as the "Internet of things" and has considerable national and international commercial potential both in the energy and IT sectors.
Green Technology
Tinymesh was nominated for the Rosing Prize for Smart IT in 2012. The award is given by The Norwegian Computer Society to companies that excel in the fields of Security, Usability, Creativity and Smart IT. In Smart IT the jury emphasizes work where technology is an important prerequisite for energy efficiency or optimization of energy consumption, enabling improvement of existing processes or creating new or more sustainable businesses and processes.

We are proud of our growth and the market response to Tinymesh.

Connect - Communicate - Control
Don't get left behind
Make sure your products have Tinymesh installed. Contact us today!